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Tip 1: Use Acceptable Pesticides Only

Only apply pesticides that are registered for use on your crop in Canada, are acceptable to both domestic and export customers, and won’t create trade concerns.

Be aware of the potential market risks associated with these crop protection products on certain crop types before making application decisions this growing season. Refer to our annual Product Advisory for information on market considerations and classifications of specific crop protection products.

Products listed in the advisory may restrict marketing options due to missing or misaligned maximum residue limits (MRLs) in our export markets or market acceptance issues by certain buyers.

Talk to your grain buyer to ensure the products you are using are acceptable to both domestic and export customers. Growers must be aware of these restrictions and take appropriate risk mitigation steps to ensure product residues remain below MRLs set by regulatory agencies.

Additional Resources

Product Advisory

A list of crop protection products which may create market risk when used on some crops and steps to mitigate risk.

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