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Only apply pesticides that are registered for use on your crop in Canada, won’t create trade concerns, and are acceptable to both domestic and export customers.  

Tip 2 – Always read and follow the label

Always follow the label for application rate, timing and pre-harvest interval (PHI). Applying pesticides incorrectly is illegal and may result in unacceptable residues in harvested grain.

Tip 3 – Manage disease pressures

An integrated disease management plan is important to maintain the yield and quality of your crops. It also helps ensure Canada’s canola, cereals and pulses meet the phytosanitary requirements of our export markets.

Tip 4 – Store your crops properly 

Proper storage helps maintain crop quality and keeps the bulk free of harmful contaminants that may create market risk.

Tip 5 – Deliver what you declare

The Declaration of Eligibility affidavit is a legal assertion that your crop is the variety and/or class that you have designated. The declaration also specifies that your crop was not treated with certain crop protection products to ensure it meets the requirements of our export markets.

Keep Your Crops Market-Ready

Safeguard the marketability of your crops with our 5 tips:


Use Acceptable Pesticides Only


Always Read And Follow The Label


Manage Disease Pressures


Store Your Crop Properly


Deliver What You Declare

Tools & Resources to Grow Market-Ready Crops

Pre-Harvest Glyphosate Staging Guide

An illustrated guide to help manage pre-harvest application of glyphosate and determine when grain moisture content is less than 30% in the least mature part of the field.

2024 Product Advisory

A list of crop protection products which may create market risk when used on some crops and steps to mitigate risk.

Interval Calculator

An interactive tool to find a pesticide to suit your application timeline or to calculate pre-harvest interval (PHI) – the number of days to wait after product application before swathing or straight-cutting the crop.

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