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Pre-Harvest Interval Calculator

Find out how many days you need to leave between pesticide application and cutting.

The Pre-Harvest Interval is the minimum number of days that must pass between product application and cutting your crop by swathing or straight-cutting. On farm chemical labels, you’ll see it referred to as the Pre-harvest Interval or PHI. Cutting before this interval has lapsed can leave unacceptable residues on harvested seed.

Use the tool to calculate PHI: Enter the crop type and the product you have sprayed, and the calculator will tell you how many days after application you must wait to cut your crop.

Use the tool to find a product to suit a specific timeline: Enter your crop type and pesticide type, then drag the slider to indicate when you would like to cut the crop. The calculator will tell you which (if any) products can be applied to meet that timeline.

Don’t see a registered product that you are looking for, or notice an error in the calculator? Please let us know! Contact

When tank mixing, each tank mix partner is applied in accordance with its registered product label. In cases where information on the tank mix partner labels differs between them, the most restrictive directions must be followed.

Select a Crop Type

Already sprayed? Calculate how long to wait.


Have a deadline? Find a pesticide to suit your timeline.

Sync Your Calendar

If you are using Outlook or an iPhone you can download PHI End Date ICS file to sync with your calendar.

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